Emerald Multi-Family Office & Corient

Park Sutton Advises South Florida-based Emerald Multi-Family Office on its sale to Corient

Park Sutton Advisors, a Waller Helms Company (“Park Sutton Advisors”) is pleased to have represented Emerald Multi-Family Office (“EMFO”) on its acquisition by Corient Private Wealth (“Corient”), a national RIA with over $160 billion in Assets Under Management (“AUM”). Co-founded in 2017 by Scot Hunter and Allan Budelman, EMFO provides multi-family services to help UHNW families build, manage, preserve, and transition their wealth. The Firm has $5.5 billion in AUM/A and is headquartered in Weston, FL with a client base focused in South Florida and Aspen, Colorado. Corient is headquartered in Miami, FL and is able to expand their client presence and UHNW capabilities through this transaction.

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